Across the curriculum maths breaks down into roughly five sections.


This includes topics like reading and writing numbers, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing,  and fractions.  


In ratio you’ll find percentages, converting between different units and of course ratios!  You’ll also find more fraction work, because all ratios and percentages can be written as fractions.


Algebra is usually written with letters to represent unknown quantities. 


Geometry is the maths of shapes and angles.  You’ll find 2D and 3D shapes in this section, areas and volumes and I’ll include trigonometry in this section along with vectors.


Statistics and probability, which includes collecting data, showing that data in various ways and reading data that others have collected! 

Where to start...

Start by looking for your year.  Don’t worry if you feel you have to revise previous years’ work, anything important will all be included in the lesson plans.

Look at the foundation section for that year.  Even if you know you want to learn algebra make sure you TEST yourself with all the foundation material for that year.


Choose one of the topics to look at.  Complete any tests for the foundation material for this topic.  If you have been making mistakes in the tests, LEARN the material by going through the lesson videos.

Now you can pick any sub topic you want to study.  Do a test to see how well you know it, and then work through the lesson which takes you from zero to where you need to be!